Our Services

Aviation Technical Services

R. B. Aero hires a Third-Party Aircraft Engineer to work as a consultant. They will perform the following duties as an Aircraft Inspector: Aircraft Physical Inspection, Technical Records Review, Engine Borescope Inspection, Engine Ground Run-up Inspection, and Report Documents Compilation.

Stage 1: Once we’ve found the right aircraft, we evaluate its own requirements. Cabin size, fuel range, airport compatibility and purchase and operating budgets all are key aspects. Our work throughout this stage is especially helpful to the first-time purchasers. R. B. Aero assists the client in determining purchase criteria such as including airframe and engine time, cabin configuration options and avionics after they have decided on the aircraft type and model. We explore all aircraft that meet these requirements.

Stage 2: The client then submits an offer on the pre-purchase inspection form, along with LOIs, in the following stage. In addition to price, offers will have to include visual inspections and demonstration flights, pre-purchase inspections and discrepancy remediation within a given time frame. The contract must define the acceptance criteria and provide for liquidated damages if the aircraft is not accepted. R. B. Aero’s team, like those in the selling process, plays an important role in defining the scope and depth of the pre-purchase inspection and provides experienced technical assistance.

Stage 3: R. B. Aero’s team prepares all necessary documentation for registration, conducting title, aircraft damage history and lien searches and imports or exports the aircraft as required in the final stage of client purchase. Throughout this phase, R. B. Aero’s most critical services are to perform the test and acceptance flight, deliver the aircraft and place it in service.

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Aviation Technical Services 2
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